October brought with it the wedding of a good friend that just happened to take place in Richmond, Virginia. We gladly packed up our bags and headed to Virginia with the kids and our fancy clothes and anxiously awaited a visit with grandparents and a fun, wedding weekend with friends.
This marks our first trip with Alex as a two year old - which is a magical age in travel. It's when they're old enough to need their own seat, have the attention span to pay attention to a screen but are still in diapers so emergency bathroom visits are a non-issue.

It was so nice to be able to attend this wedding and know that our little ones were safely in the care of their grandparents - and we were able to get out and about in Richmond with our lovely friends Cedric and Lydia who flew in All The Way From South Africa!! What a rare treat to see friends we made in Argentina, one of them getting married and another couple who came from so far away.
We spent our weekend shopping and eating in Richmond, VA, which is a fantastic town to explore, especially in October! The weather was great, the running trails were great and we had family friends to stay with in the heart of town. To add to the weekend fun, my brother and his girlfriend were able to attend the reception with us, which was incredibly generous on the part of the bride and groom and a really unexpected way to see my brother who we don't see nearly enough.
If that didn't already make the weekend, a celebrity encounter!

Our kids were having the time of their lives visiting grandparents, starting with Gran and Poppa. Gran and Poppa's house is like an amusement park for kids, complete with rides like this big gator that Poppa happily drives them around in. The kids think it's great to drive the tractor themselves, like Alex is doing in this picture. We are very happy they have fun, and very thankful that we get a couple nights alone.
The other great thing about visiting Gran and Poppa is that they live in a town filled with interesting people who have all kinds of hobbies. A great example is their friends the Wilders, who live on an incredible piece of property but also have fun hobbies like weaving, collecting cool old cars and raising cows. Here are some of those cows at feeding time while Gretchen got to help!

October is a wonderful time on the east coast because everyone is prepping for fall! Lots of local small-production farms have activities for kids, pumpkin patches, petting zoos and more in the fall and we were excited to visit one of these farms up in Fairfax during our visit. Farmer Rick here at Cox Farms was helping Alex pet this pretty brown cow. I'm not quite sure how Alex felt about that....
But Gretchen sure seemed to be comfortable.
Then we come closer to home where Grammy and Papa Mas live and there is another full working farm where Grammy keeps her horse, Casey. We go there and feed the chickens, see the rabbits, sometimes there are other animals that have been taken in to rehab.... but the best part is.....
Riding the horses!! This is Charm, technically a pony, that the kids were able to take turns riding with a little help with Grammy and Papa Mas. Both kids adored being on top of a horse, they both look so grown up!
I love Alex's little wave!
Wedding, family and friends visit in October, what could be better?? Thanks for getting married Paul and Kelly!