It's exciting that our big kids are now getting old enough that we can plan a day that includes a bit of walking, so we decided to venture outside of our normal spots and enjoy one of Texas's many state parks.
Brazos Bend State Park is approximately 50 miles southwest of the city of Houston. This makes it an hour and a half drive from us - this hour and a half is so packed full of mega-highways that you can barely believe that the trip will end in a park. But it does. And it's awesome!

There are miles and miles of hiking trails to explore, we opted to stay on the paved path for the sake of our stroller. The park is jam packed with wildlife; birds, deer, woodland animals and...... alligators!! We saw some in the water at a distance, but we were able to get up close and personal at the nature center. The people working in the nature center were knowledgeable and patient, and there were all kinds of nature exhibit items. Both Gretchen and Alex got to hold a baby alligator!
We saw a hummingbird nest, the bones of alligators from the park, all kinds of plant and vegetation information and a big ol' snake! These brave chicos had lots of hands-on experience with reptiles during this visit!
This was a great day trip for a beautiful spring day in Houston. Someday we'll come back with bikes and and tent to experience the full glory of Brazos Bend!