Azucar de fantasia became a hilarious joke for me and my American friends. The hilarity is that there are two ingredients: sugar and comun tipo A colorante caramelo. My hilarious jokes started with the phrase, "I'm not sure who knows what goes in to real brown sugar, but I'm pretty sure it's not this colorante stuff..." and laughter would ensue. Until one day, when I was telling my funny jokes, and someone interrupted me to say, "You know brown sugar is just sugar and molasses, right?"
Um, no, I did not know that. And even better, you know who else knows what goes into brown sugar? The internet. Why didn't I think of that before?
So, here is it, the easiest recipe you'll never use:
1 cup white sugar
1 T Molasses
Mix together with a fork until fully incorporated.
Awesome. Now to find some molasses. This is another item that I have never seen in Buenos Aires, but I've been told it exists. So I learned the word for molasses (melaza) and headed off to our local dieteca (a little shop that sells seeds, dried fruits and baking supplies). If you are in the area, I went to the New Garden on Rodriguez Peña, but I've seen lots of these shops all over the city. They knew exactly what I meant, and $18 pesos later, I was the proud owner of:
Melrico. It's muy rico. |
But before too long I had some good looking brown sugar on my hands. So easy! So much better than the sugar of my fantasies! Chocolate chip cookies, here we come! If you have been missing out on this little gem, miss out no more - go and get your melaza today!
Oh my gosh. THANK YOU. I just never put in the effort to look for (or make) anything "real". This is great! (I love that picture of Gretchen!)