Other Pages of Interest

Monday, October 3, 2022

Alex is NINE

Alex continues to be the most original, thoughtful and sensitive guy around. The way he sees the world, and the even more unique way that he expresses what he sees brings us joy everyday. 

Alex is a skilled and constant reader, goofy and sensitive and prides himself on constantly being cold. He loves hanging out with friends, playing baseball and video games. 

This has been a year of growth for him, not just in height, but in independence. He is now allowed to play at the neighborhood "fort" with other kids, no adults. He can ride his bike to friend's houses, though he hasn't mastered the art of coming home at the agreed upon time. He still sleeps more deeply than anyone else in our family, I can only think of one time that he woke up on his own for school. Even though he has an alarm. This is probably because he is constantly in motion. Hopping around on the couch, tracing invisible patterns on the kitchen floor tiles or dancing on second base while he waits for a chance to run. 

He loves music and chess, he joined choir and started piano lessons. He had a blast at the Imagine Dragons concert over the summer, singing along loud and proud. 

We still get to see moments of little-boyhood from him, but his patience, maturity and emotional awareness are more aligned with those of a *big boy*. We love this goofball and it's hard to believe he is nine!

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