Other Pages of Interest

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Italy - Cascate di Caprinone

 We had a full night of rain, which very temporarily lowered the temperature enough to inspire us to get back outside. We found an attraction called the Cascate de Carpinone that was less than an hour from Gran and Poppa's house and decided to check it out. Once we found the town, just about every sign pointed (literally) to the entrance for the waterfall hike. The trail was well maintained and perfectly marked, but extremely muddy from the previous night's rain.  After every 100 steps it felt like I was wearing platform shoes made of concrete, so I'd stop and scrape off the mud, and continue on the next 100. This made the hike slower than it usually would be, but a small price to pay for some cooler air. 

The waterfalls were beautiful and serene! There were so many rocks just waiting to be skipped! We were the only people around, so we could explore the area to our heart's content while taking a break from the mud. 

I was really surprised at these sweet little spots that we found, they were not at all what I had in my mind as what Italy would look like. It's nice to be pleasantly surprised on vacation, it felt like we found a hidden gem that got us moving, and kept us cool in the very warm summer. 

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