Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny brought us this seriously co

ol gift this year that we just have to show off. Our friend Sole is an AMAZING pastry chef that works at the Four Seasons Hotel. We have been lucky enough to enjoy her cooking a few times and she humbles me with her awesome desserts. She brought us this white rabbit (that she made) that is hanging out with a little bunny friend, giving him a ride on a sweet Harley (pun intended). We promised to wait to eat it until Jon's parents are here visiting this week, since Jon's dad is such a Harley fan, but now that we're staring at this delicious chocolate dessert - I can't promise anything.
Here in Buenos Aires, the celebration around Easter is a multi-day event complete with a week of no school for the kids, Thursday and Friday off of work for the majority of businesses and a Friday off of work for my husband. Good Friday looked like a regular Sunday outside our windows, no traffic, no people, and most all businesses either closed or working reduced hours. It was one of the first days where the heat broke and we had some cooler temperatures. So, how did we decide to ring in the holiday this year? With friends, food and a themed-wine party.

We invited everyone over on Saturday night for w

hat has been dubbed "Mystery Bottles". Each person brought a bottle of wine, two bottles per couple, with one bottle costing no more than $30pesos and the other costing no more than $100pesos. We camouflaged each bottle (ie - put them in colored bags) and put a random number on the outside of the bag, then kept a "secret" list of who brought what and if it was a low or high-bottle. At the end of the night, we had the big reveal and had everyone claim their favorite wine while we announced the results. The big winners were the Rutini 2007 Malbec, an expensive bottle, and the Andeluna 2008 Malbec, an inexpensive bottle. So now I'm happy to have a go-to Malbec available for under US$8.00. Everyone seemed to have a good time and it was a good way to introduce our friends from different circles to each other.
Shankar taking his selection very seriously

Me and Fernanda at Mystery Bottles
Umm is that bunny HUGE or are the flower vases really small?